A mobilized body of Christ, delivering tangible assistance to our neighbors.

Spirit Led Ministries seeks to provide tangible assistance to those experiencing lack, while spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and building relationships within our community.

Get Assistance

Spirit Led Ministries exists to re-home items to those that are in need and who don’t have the ability to purchase them. These items have been donated, and are in clean and working condition.

Give Help

Please consider making a donation of those items that are clean, in good working condition to those who are less fortunate. Everything that SLM provides or delivers is 100% free. We will also pick up donations free of charge.

All of us are equipped to be a blessing to other people. There is no shortage of resources, there is only a shortage of those willing to donate. Proverbs 11:25 tells us, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed”.

We are blessed to be a blessing.

If you aren’t sure how you can be a blessing to others, please contact us. Get in touch with Spirit Led Ministries about what needs are most pressing right now. Contact us before you ride around with those items in your vehicle, with the intention of dropping them off to some sort of thrift store; before throwing out things that are still in good condition and reduce the amount of waste in our landfills. We all have a vital part to play to ensure the well-being of our planet and of our neighbors. Thank You.

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